New Deadly Foes Pathfinder Mini Pics


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arbados's picture
Joined: 11/05/2015 - 21:52
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New Deadly Foes Pathfinder Mini Pics
CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

Nice Find! I especially like the Pit Devil/Balor comparison.

brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
Posts: 115

Well, Deadly Foes is out, and mine are in the mail...

But I'm a bit concerned: the images of the actual figures strike me as somewhat disappointing ( ).

Sure, one has to expect reality to fall short of the ideal of the digital renders, but I'd had high hopes for Rusty Dragon Inn, and was disheartened with that set, too. (Which was not the case with Dungeons Deep, which I felt raised the bar.) I worry that this line is slipping into decline.

Well, here's hoping I'll be blown away once I have them in hand.

(And some minis do look promising: the Gynosphinx looks marvelous, and the Cockatrice seems more interesting than I'd expected.)

CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

Thanks for the heads-up. I've updated the set with the set numbers and all the (hopefully) correct names. Let me know if I missed anything.

brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
Posts: 115

Well, I've received my Deadly Foes, and they seem about as I expected.

Gynosphinx & Giant Eagles are pretty nifty, Cockatrice is perhaps the best one out there (not that that says much). On the other hand, the Salamanders are a bland, glossy red: it looks like they had paint left over from the shirts of the Guards in Rusty Dragon. :p (In fact, what is this line's aversion to gluing polearm hafts to the base? Both these Salamanders & Rusty's Guards have bendy weapons as a result...)

The little crabs are decent (but they shoulda been bigger). ah, well...creature size vs figure size vs base size is a topic for another thread...

arbados's picture
Joined: 11/05/2015 - 21:52
Posts: 53

The salamanders looked a bit bland from the pictures, but I was hoping they'd look better in person. The crabs are medium correct? I guess that should be big enough for me as that's a pretty damn big crab! However, in the end I'll make my final judgment when they are in hand. I'm still waiting for my case to arrive.

brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
Posts: 115

The crabs are on medium bases, but, compared to medium humans, they seem smaller overall. I wish manufacturers used a one-and-a-half-inch base: it would seem just right for vertical Larges & horizontal Mediums.

CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

But medium's always have to fit in a 1" square, right? Or did Pathfinder do away with that?

brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
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I realize the rules for 1" square grids declare mandatory "space" occupation by sizes (especially with the standard rules that eliminate facing), and it certainly simplifies rulings, but aesthetics (& often common sense!) would be better served by more intuitive basing.

Personally, I'm willing to be called upon to make an occasional ruling due to unclear positioning, rather than have foes standing farther from a quadruped's sides than from it's dangerous front, and I certainly loathe smaller Larges sitting distantly at the center of their bases, looking like they're waving at the far away enemies standing at the edges of their oversized bases! :P

I love my minis, and don't want them looking awkward just cuz' of some convenient rule. ;)

CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

I hear ya, but oversized bases never bother me so much as the undersized ones (I'm looking at you, Yuan-Ti Abomination!)

brontoceratops's picture
Joined: 12/13/2015 - 19:12
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Heh! Yeah, I haven't yet bought that Abomination 'cuz he looked so scrunched up on his little base.

Oddly, the older Abomination suffered somewhat from the "too small mini on large base" syndrome. But (to my mind) that seems to work all right with snakes, since they coil.

arbados's picture
Joined: 11/05/2015 - 21:52
Posts: 53

I agree completely with this statement Brontoceratopts "I certainly loathe smaller Larges sitting distantly at the center of their bases, looking like they're waving at the far away enemies standing at the edges of their oversized bases." This would be the case with the original flesh golem from I think it was Aberrations. As for minis that are too large for their base that is a bother as well. What hasn't been mentioned, however, are the minis that overhang their bases obscuring the ability for other minis to be placed in necessary and appropriate places for battle! That drives me crazy! Sometimes they fall in the "too big" category, but on other occasions they simply fall into the "bad sculpt for game use".

CHawkins's picture
Joined: 04/17/2009 - 11:44
Posts: 235

Base overhang does seem to be less of an issue overall with the WizKids figures than it was with the earlier lines, though.

arbados's picture
Joined: 11/05/2015 - 21:52
Posts: 53

Yep, that is true and in reality it's probably not that big of a deal, but it's our job to make it an issue :)